Entanglement is a quantum property where two or more objects are linked and in "superposition" - existing in many possible states at once. When this happens, it is impossible to describe the state of each object individually - the entangled objects must be considered as a whole.
When the researchers analysed the DNA without its helical structure, they found that the electron clouds were not entangled. But when they incorporated DNA's helical structure into the model, they saw that the electron clouds of each base pair became entangled with those of its neighbours (arxiv.org/abs/1006.4053v1). "If you didn't have entanglement, then DNA would have a simple flat structure, and you would never get the twist that seems to be important to the functioning of DNA," says team member Vlatko Vedral of the University of Oxford.
For full article see www.newscientist.com, 15 July 2010 by Anil Ananthaswamy
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Icy claim that water has memory
A paper published in the reputable journal Physica A, claims to show that even though they should be identical, the structure of hydrogen bonds in pure water is very different from that in homeopathic dilutions of salt solutions. Could it be time to take the "memory" of water seriously?
The paper's author, Swiss chemist Louis Rey, is using thermoluminescence to study the structure of solids. The technique involves bathing a chilled sample with radiation. When the sample is warmed up, the stored energy is released as light in a pattern that reflects the atomic structure of the sample.
Twin peaks
When Rey used the method on ice he saw two peaks of light, at temperatures of around 120 K and 170 K. Rey wanted to test the idea, suggested by other researchers, that the 170 K peak reflects the pattern of hydrogen bonds within the ice. In his experiments he used heavy water (which contains the heavy hydrogen isotope deuterium), because it has stronger hydrogen bonds than normal water. "Much to our surprise, the thermoluminescence glows of the three systems were substantially different," he says. He believes the result proves that the networks of hydrogen bonds in the samples were different.
For rest of article see www.newscientist.com, 11 June 2003 by Lionel Milgrom
The paper's author, Swiss chemist Louis Rey, is using thermoluminescence to study the structure of solids. The technique involves bathing a chilled sample with radiation. When the sample is warmed up, the stored energy is released as light in a pattern that reflects the atomic structure of the sample.
Twin peaks
When Rey used the method on ice he saw two peaks of light, at temperatures of around 120 K and 170 K. Rey wanted to test the idea, suggested by other researchers, that the 170 K peak reflects the pattern of hydrogen bonds within the ice. In his experiments he used heavy water (which contains the heavy hydrogen isotope deuterium), because it has stronger hydrogen bonds than normal water. "Much to our surprise, the thermoluminescence glows of the three systems were substantially different," he says. He believes the result proves that the networks of hydrogen bonds in the samples were different.
For rest of article see www.newscientist.com, 11 June 2003 by Lionel Milgrom
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Victory for Homeopathy
Today’s response by Government to the Science and Technology Committee report ‘Evidence Check2: Homeopathy’ reaffirms homeopathy belongs in the NHS where patients can best benefit from doctors integrating it into healthcare. News which was welcomed by the Faculty of Homeopathy and the British Homeopathic Association.
The response clearly states that ‘local NHS and clinicians, rather than Whitehall, are best placed to make decisions on what treatment is appropriate for their patients – including complementary or alternative treatments such as homeopathy – and provide accordingly for those treatments.’
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
The Montagnier Paper – a Plain English Account by Rachel Roberts
‘Electromagnetic signals are produced by aqueous nanostructures derived from bacterial DNA sequences’
by Luc Montagnier et al., Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci, 2009
Montagnier and his colleague Lavallee observed that under certain conditions, biological fluids containing infectious microorganisms can still cause infection after being passed through filtration procedures designed to sterilise the fluid.
A fluid containing human white blood cells (lymphocytes) infected with a microorganism called Mycoplasma pirum was filtered through filters with either 100nM diameter holes or 20 nM holes; as M. pirum are 300nM in size they could not pass through and the resulting fluids (called filtrates) were apparently sterile.
by Luc Montagnier et al., Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci, 2009
Montagnier and his colleague Lavallee observed that under certain conditions, biological fluids containing infectious microorganisms can still cause infection after being passed through filtration procedures designed to sterilise the fluid.
A fluid containing human white blood cells (lymphocytes) infected with a microorganism called Mycoplasma pirum was filtered through filters with either 100nM diameter holes or 20 nM holes; as M. pirum are 300nM in size they could not pass through and the resulting fluids (called filtrates) were apparently sterile.
Friday, 9 July 2010
A NOBEL laureate who discovered the link between HIV and AIDS has suggested there could be a firm scientific foundation for homeopathy.
French virologist Luc Montagnier stunned his colleagues at a prestigious international conference when he presented a new method for detecting viral infections that bore close parallels to the basic tenets of homeopathy.
Although fellow Nobel prize winners -- who view homeopathy as quackery -- were left openly shaking their heads, Montagnier's comments were rapidly embraced by homeopaths eager for greater credibility.
Montagnier told the conference last week that solutions containing the DNA of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, including HIV, "could emit low frequency radio waves" that induced surrounding water molecules to become arranged into "nanostructures". These water molecules, he said, could also emit radio waves.
Friday, 11 June 2010
ADHD Linked to Pesticide Use?
A study just published in the journal Pediatrics has looked at the links between ADHD and pesticides.
The results of a urinary check showed that children with higher urinary dialkyl phosphate concentrations,especially dimethyl alkylphosphate (DMAP) concentrations, weremore likely to be diagnosed as having ADHD.
These findings support the hypothesis that organophosphate exposure,at levels common among US children, may contribute to ADHD prevalence.
The results of a urinary check showed that children with higher urinary dialkyl phosphate concentrations,especially dimethyl alkylphosphate (DMAP) concentrations, weremore likely to be diagnosed as having ADHD.
These findings support the hypothesis that organophosphate exposure,at levels common among US children, may contribute to ADHD prevalence.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Beyond reality - Watching information at play in the quantum world is throwing physicists into a flat spin, says Mark Buchanan 14 March 1998 by Mark Buchanan Magazine issue 2125
WHAT does a financial index have in common with Shakespeare's Richard III, a drawing of a cat and this sentence? Easy. No matter how important any one of them may be to you, they can all be reduced to the ubiquitous digital bits of the information age. And, as such, they can pass from a mind to a machine, flow down telephone lines and spill out unchanged onto a page halfway across the world. Information is nothing but patterns of 0s and 1s.
Information and Energy Make Up Our Reality Bruce Robertson NES Health
What is reality anyway? To answer this question, we have to look beyond manifest reality, beyond the substance that makes matter appear solid. We know, in fact, that all matter, at the level of atoms and of electrons and other elementary particles, is mostly empty space. Most of us are familiar with Einstein’s equation E=mc2, where “E” is energy, “m” is matter, and “c” is the speed of light. It tells us that matter and energy are equivalent. It tells us that matter is pure energy, albeit energy that is in a dense form. However, because science has mostly ignored the concept of information, we aren’t taught about the implications of how information plays into this insight. There are many philosophical debates about how to define “information.” In biology, information is often associated with pattern formation, with organising principles—with how individual bits coalesce into a functioning whole where the sum is greater than the parts. Information drives a process called “emergence,” which explains how order arises from seemingly chaotic activities embedded in a process. The body is a beautiful example of information, organisation and emergence, for it starts from a single cell, which divides over and over, making trillions of other cells, which then specialise into different kinds of cells (there are about 200 types of cells in the human body). Then those cells organise themselves into groups of similar cells, forming tissues and organs—until eventually they make a fully-formed and functioning human being. Information both describes the state of organisation of a system and also directs the development of that system, from which “life” emerges.
Information in Nature - Joan Wilcox NES Health
Information has been the subject of a lot of scientific inquiry, and it forms the basis for the newer sciences of chaos theory, systems theory and information theory. However, even in many of these disciplines, information is thought of as something that arises from a system, rather than something fundamental to the system itself. That view is slowly changing and information is now being thought of not as an abstract concept but as a real substance of nature.
“Substance” may be the wrong word, implying as it does a physicality that is hard to imagine, but it will have to suffice. It is important to realise that nothing in quantum can be thought of as real in the sense of the physical reality of our world. The quantum world is an abstract, mathematical world — what some physicists call a shadow world — yet from the laws of quantum and other fields of physics we can come to better understand our material, physical world and how it works.
If we use the laws of physics (both classical and quantum) to explain nature, the question that some theorists and philosophers ask is, “Where do the laws of physics come from?” Why should Nature be revealed at all from a method of inquiry, such as mathematics, that is entirely a creation of human thought? In an article that may seem outdated but that actually has relevance to recent discoveries, “I is the law” (January 30, 1999, New Scientist) writer Robert Matthews explores this question, saying that physics has a “guilty secret,” which is that physicists themselves “haven’t the slightest idea why the laws work, or where they come from. All their vaunted equations are just mathematical lash-ups, made out of bits and pieces from other parts of physics whose main justification is that they seem to work.”
One physicist, Roy Frieden, came up with an answer to why physics works and where the laws of physics come from — information. It’s hard to wrap your mind around this concept, but let’s give it a try, because physicists may be catching up with NES theory, although for the most part they are still way behind the curve.
Some physicists think now that information may be the ultimate fundamental entity of the universe, even more fundamental than energy. Frieden’s inquiry was pioneering in showing that there is a specific way that we can extract information from Nature: he has shown that the laws of nature arise (as Matthews explains it) “from the gap between what nature knows and what nature is prepared to let us find out.” I won’t go into his theory in detail, as it is quite complex, but I will review two of his conclusions that apply to NES.
Questions, not measurements, matter. Frieden says that the fundamental laws of nature arise in response to how we probe nature. They are not really there in and of themselves, but are revelations based on our way of exploring nature. He says that “perhaps every physical phenomenon occurs in relation to measurement — the measurement acts as a kind of catalyst for the effect.” If this is so, then “physical laws occur as answers to questions. . .” In effect, the kind of measurement we choose to make somehow determines what nature reveals to us. This is not unlike what Werner Heisenberg said, which became part of an article of faith in physics called the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Einstein also said that we can only know nature through our method of questioning. Peter Marcher and others have proposed the phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance theory, which says that all information is encoded in phase waves and that we extract information according to the level of our attention and intention (consciousness as measurement or questioner). What this means really, is that we can only know nature by interacting with it in some way, and the kind of interaction we choose to have with nature may determine what nature reveals to us. But the big question for physics is, What is an interaction? Or in common physics parlance, What is a measurement?” According to Frieden, it may simply be a question. This shift in definition has broad implications, for it moves physicists from being static cataloguers of nature to being explorers of their own dynamic interactions with it.
NES has always suspected that nature works this way, but in truth it was only a year or so ago that Peter Fraser, Harry, Bruce and others at NES realised that we had to change our language to more accurately reflect how we are interacting with nature. We no longer talk about “measuring” the body-field, but only about asking it questions. Our method is not static, but dynamic. Probing the body-field is like asking it questions and then detecting the robustness of the response. We are not seeking a single quantitative answer, but a qualitative response. Most fundamentally, it is the kind of question we ask that determines the quality and kind of response we get.
NES has also uncovered that the sequence in which questions are asked influences the amount and accuracy of the information that nature (in this case, the body-field) yields to us, which is an understanding and method unique to NES. It is interesting to speculate what relevance this sequencing might have to how physics teases information from nature and what kind of answers physicists get. Would it make a difference to their understanding of the laws of physics? Maybe some genius frontier physicist will take the lead from NES theory and take up the quest!
Answers from nature are not definitive, but provisional. As Frieden explored the implications of seeing measurements as questions, he came to the opinion that nature primarily acts not through “action” (one fundamental type of which is energy exchanges) but through providing us ways to come up with a “best possible description” of a phenomenon (which is information based). Action is incredibly important in physics, but, as Matthews reveals, no physicist “understands the principles behind nature’s infatuation with action, and no one can calculate it directly.” Frieden, however, believes it all comes down to information and how nature is really not very willing to part with information. Matthews explains that what is important in action is the difference between “the information we try to prise from nature by making observations and the information nature has, but is reluctant to part with.” He writes, “Frieden has built his radically new vision of physics based not on the mysterious ‘action,’ but on something more intuitive: our attempt to come up with the best possible description of phenomena. . . . Frieden’s information-based methods provide a stunningly clear interpretation of the laws of physics: they represent the best we can possibly do in our quest to extract information using our inevitably error-prone methods.”
As Frieden himself says, “Through the very act of observing, we actually define the physics of the thing measured.” This does not mean that nature is not real or is all in our heads. It means that “any physical attempt to extract information about nature determines the answer we obtain.” In his view, the best answers are the current laws of physics. But these are subject to change as we think of more novel and precise methods of probing nature. In other words, the laws of nature may not be eternal.
Frieden’s insight that nature’s answers are “best possible” answers is something NES has known for quite some time. Peter’s matching technique is based on uncovering the best possible answer to a question, not in yielding a one-time, enduring, definitive answer. We know that the dynamic body-field gives us the best possible answer under the circumstances or according to the context. When a more precise, or even simply a different, question is asked, the older, less ideal answer drops out. In addition, in relation to the NES scan, we know that because the body-field is dynamic, a scan reveals the best possible protocol at the time of the scan, and according to the condition of the client (body, mind and spirit; and in relation to internal and external influences) at that moment. It may also be influenced to some extent by the intention set by the client toward a healing goal (there is some aspect of the scan that is affected by the question/measurement provided by the client him- or herself, even unconsciously).
Frieden proposed his theory ten years ago, and since then other physicists have come to similar conclusions, but the field of physics as a whole has been slow to shift its mindset from energy to information as the fundamental entity of the cosmos. NES theory is ahead of the pack in many respects, and it is interesting to watch from the sidelines as physics catches up!
“Substance” may be the wrong word, implying as it does a physicality that is hard to imagine, but it will have to suffice. It is important to realise that nothing in quantum can be thought of as real in the sense of the physical reality of our world. The quantum world is an abstract, mathematical world — what some physicists call a shadow world — yet from the laws of quantum and other fields of physics we can come to better understand our material, physical world and how it works.
If we use the laws of physics (both classical and quantum) to explain nature, the question that some theorists and philosophers ask is, “Where do the laws of physics come from?” Why should Nature be revealed at all from a method of inquiry, such as mathematics, that is entirely a creation of human thought? In an article that may seem outdated but that actually has relevance to recent discoveries, “I is the law” (January 30, 1999, New Scientist) writer Robert Matthews explores this question, saying that physics has a “guilty secret,” which is that physicists themselves “haven’t the slightest idea why the laws work, or where they come from. All their vaunted equations are just mathematical lash-ups, made out of bits and pieces from other parts of physics whose main justification is that they seem to work.”
One physicist, Roy Frieden, came up with an answer to why physics works and where the laws of physics come from — information. It’s hard to wrap your mind around this concept, but let’s give it a try, because physicists may be catching up with NES theory, although for the most part they are still way behind the curve.
Some physicists think now that information may be the ultimate fundamental entity of the universe, even more fundamental than energy. Frieden’s inquiry was pioneering in showing that there is a specific way that we can extract information from Nature: he has shown that the laws of nature arise (as Matthews explains it) “from the gap between what nature knows and what nature is prepared to let us find out.” I won’t go into his theory in detail, as it is quite complex, but I will review two of his conclusions that apply to NES.
Questions, not measurements, matter. Frieden says that the fundamental laws of nature arise in response to how we probe nature. They are not really there in and of themselves, but are revelations based on our way of exploring nature. He says that “perhaps every physical phenomenon occurs in relation to measurement — the measurement acts as a kind of catalyst for the effect.” If this is so, then “physical laws occur as answers to questions. . .” In effect, the kind of measurement we choose to make somehow determines what nature reveals to us. This is not unlike what Werner Heisenberg said, which became part of an article of faith in physics called the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Einstein also said that we can only know nature through our method of questioning. Peter Marcher and others have proposed the phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance theory, which says that all information is encoded in phase waves and that we extract information according to the level of our attention and intention (consciousness as measurement or questioner). What this means really, is that we can only know nature by interacting with it in some way, and the kind of interaction we choose to have with nature may determine what nature reveals to us. But the big question for physics is, What is an interaction? Or in common physics parlance, What is a measurement?” According to Frieden, it may simply be a question. This shift in definition has broad implications, for it moves physicists from being static cataloguers of nature to being explorers of their own dynamic interactions with it.
NES has always suspected that nature works this way, but in truth it was only a year or so ago that Peter Fraser, Harry, Bruce and others at NES realised that we had to change our language to more accurately reflect how we are interacting with nature. We no longer talk about “measuring” the body-field, but only about asking it questions. Our method is not static, but dynamic. Probing the body-field is like asking it questions and then detecting the robustness of the response. We are not seeking a single quantitative answer, but a qualitative response. Most fundamentally, it is the kind of question we ask that determines the quality and kind of response we get.
NES has also uncovered that the sequence in which questions are asked influences the amount and accuracy of the information that nature (in this case, the body-field) yields to us, which is an understanding and method unique to NES. It is interesting to speculate what relevance this sequencing might have to how physics teases information from nature and what kind of answers physicists get. Would it make a difference to their understanding of the laws of physics? Maybe some genius frontier physicist will take the lead from NES theory and take up the quest!
Answers from nature are not definitive, but provisional. As Frieden explored the implications of seeing measurements as questions, he came to the opinion that nature primarily acts not through “action” (one fundamental type of which is energy exchanges) but through providing us ways to come up with a “best possible description” of a phenomenon (which is information based). Action is incredibly important in physics, but, as Matthews reveals, no physicist “understands the principles behind nature’s infatuation with action, and no one can calculate it directly.” Frieden, however, believes it all comes down to information and how nature is really not very willing to part with information. Matthews explains that what is important in action is the difference between “the information we try to prise from nature by making observations and the information nature has, but is reluctant to part with.” He writes, “Frieden has built his radically new vision of physics based not on the mysterious ‘action,’ but on something more intuitive: our attempt to come up with the best possible description of phenomena. . . . Frieden’s information-based methods provide a stunningly clear interpretation of the laws of physics: they represent the best we can possibly do in our quest to extract information using our inevitably error-prone methods.”
As Frieden himself says, “Through the very act of observing, we actually define the physics of the thing measured.” This does not mean that nature is not real or is all in our heads. It means that “any physical attempt to extract information about nature determines the answer we obtain.” In his view, the best answers are the current laws of physics. But these are subject to change as we think of more novel and precise methods of probing nature. In other words, the laws of nature may not be eternal.
Frieden’s insight that nature’s answers are “best possible” answers is something NES has known for quite some time. Peter’s matching technique is based on uncovering the best possible answer to a question, not in yielding a one-time, enduring, definitive answer. We know that the dynamic body-field gives us the best possible answer under the circumstances or according to the context. When a more precise, or even simply a different, question is asked, the older, less ideal answer drops out. In addition, in relation to the NES scan, we know that because the body-field is dynamic, a scan reveals the best possible protocol at the time of the scan, and according to the condition of the client (body, mind and spirit; and in relation to internal and external influences) at that moment. It may also be influenced to some extent by the intention set by the client toward a healing goal (there is some aspect of the scan that is affected by the question/measurement provided by the client him- or herself, even unconsciously).
Frieden proposed his theory ten years ago, and since then other physicists have come to similar conclusions, but the field of physics as a whole has been slow to shift its mindset from energy to information as the fundamental entity of the cosmos. NES theory is ahead of the pack in many respects, and it is interesting to watch from the sidelines as physics catches up!
Vlatko Vedral: Everything is information
Vlatko Vedral: Everything is information
Physicist Vlatko Vedral explains to Aleks Krotoski why he believes the fundamental stuff of the universe is information – and how he hopes that one day everything will be explained in this way
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
How do Big Fields effect our well being?
Scientists discover moral compass in the brain which can be controlled by magnets
Scientists have discovered a real-life 'moral compass' in the brain that controls how we judge other people's behaviour.
The region, which lies just behind the right ear, becomes more active when we think about other people's misdemeanours or good works.
In an extraordinary experiment, researchers were able to use powerful magnets to disrupt this area of the brain and make people temporarily less moral.
The study highlights how our sense of right and wrong isn't just based on upbringing, religion or philosophy - but by the biology of our brains.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Entangled Minds
Entangled Minds Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality by Dean Radin
Dean Radin from the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and featured in the the film 'The Living Matrix', gives an excellent overview of scientific research in the field of psi and extrasensory perception.
Who says that the is scientific data in this field? this book is packed with it!
Free book!
Healing Yourself and Others by Mastering Energy and Information by Harry Massey
A simple and easy to understand book on the subject of Information medicine that can be downloaded free from:
Brandon's Window
Brandon's Window by Lynne M. George
A documented case history of a child and his healing journey from autism to wellness.
This book is an inspiration and shows what can be achieved with dedication, patience and the use of some alternative therapies such as NES Health and a nutrition programme
Punk Science: Inside the Mind of God
Punk Science: Inside the Mind of God by Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton
Excellent book with some alternative views of the scientific method and cosmology.
Milo Wolff
Milo Wolff's excellent books:
Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe: An Adventurer's Guide and Schroedinger's Universe and the Origin of the Natural Laws
Must have books for exploring and understanding the new physics.
The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy
The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy by Cyndi Dale.
A comprehensive reference book on energetic medicine. Used as the core text in the IBIH Bioenergetic Health Coach course
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Holographic Universe
In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century.
You did not hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of reading scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect's name, though there are some who believe his discovery may change the face of science.
Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn't matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart.
Does quantum physics apply in the macro world of alternative therapies?
In two places at once: Strange world of quantum mechanics shown to work in visible world for first time
The mind-bending laws of quantum mechanics, where tiny atoms and molecules can effectively be in two places at once, have been applied to a visible object for the first time. A U.S team managed to create a quantum state in an object billions of times larger than any previously tested.
The mind-bending laws of quantum mechanics, where tiny atoms and molecules can effectively be in two places at once, have been applied to a visible object for the first time. A U.S team managed to create a quantum state in an object billions of times larger than any previously tested.
Andrew Cleland from the University of California and his team used a tiny metal paddle, which is inclined to vibrate when a current passes through it.
They cooled it to a thousandth of a degree above absolute zero. This is very close to its quantum mechanical 'ground state', which is when no more energy can be removed.
The team then transmitted just one quantum of electrical energy from a specially devised electric circuit to the paddle.
They were able to show the resonating paddle was in a quantum state, between one and zero quanta of energy. This meant it was effectively moving and standing still at the same time.
The paddle was effectively a real-life version of 'Schrodinger's cat' - a famous thought experiment devised by the physicist Erwin Schrodinger.
The First Test That Proves General Theory of Relativity Wrong
Is the current view of the world based on conventional physics being turned on its head by the weird and wonderful world of quantum physics? Do the new findings of quantum physics have an impact on some of the claims of 'alternative' scientists?
According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, a moving mass should create another field, called gravitomagnetic field, besides its static gravitational field. This field has now been measured for the first time and to the scientists' astonishment, it proved to be no less than one hundred million trillion times larger than Einstein's General Relativity predicts.
This gravitomagnetic field is similar to the magnetic field produced by a moving electric charge (hence the name "gravitomagnetic" analogous to "electromagnetic"). For example, the electric charges moving in a coil produce a magnetic field - such a coil behaves like a magnet. Similarly, the gravitomagnetic field can be produced to be a mass moving in a circle. What the electric charge is for electromagnetism, mass is for gravitation theory (the general theory of relativity).
According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, a moving mass should create another field, called gravitomagnetic field, besides its static gravitational field. This field has now been measured for the first time and to the scientists' astonishment, it proved to be no less than one hundred million trillion times larger than Einstein's General Relativity predicts.
This gravitomagnetic field is similar to the magnetic field produced by a moving electric charge (hence the name "gravitomagnetic" analogous to "electromagnetic"). For example, the electric charges moving in a coil produce a magnetic field - such a coil behaves like a magnet. Similarly, the gravitomagnetic field can be produced to be a mass moving in a circle. What the electric charge is for electromagnetism, mass is for gravitation theory (the general theory of relativity).
Decoding the Human Body-Field: The New Science of Information as Medicine
Decoding the Human Body-Field by Peter H. Fraser, Harry Massey, Joan Parisi Wilcox
Excellent book into Information medicine in general and NES Health in particular
Presents a new integrative model of the energetic physiology of the human body (the human body-field) and its influence on health
Old Medicine, New Medicine: The Shift Is On - Sarah Turner

Do Piglets Really Tell Porkies?

Here's a quick outline of what happened:
The study in question was a double blind RCT of 52 sows who were randonly treated with Coli 30K or placebo and who subsequently gave birth to 525 piglets.
The study showed that there was a reduction in the incidence of E.Coli diarrhoea. (Results showed that the placebo group had over six times more diarrhoea than the homeopathically treated group (P <>
The owner of the farm where the experiment was carried out initially quite sceptical about homeopathy. However, after the experiment he decided to apply Coli 30K to all sows. Since then E.Coli diarrhoea has hardly occurred . . . . . .
The authors state that "Advantages at farm level (of E.Coli 30K homeopathic remedy) are ease of application of the treatment by the farmer and cost reduction. These advantages and the positive results from this study make the homeopathic agent Coli 30K an attractive potential alternative in the prevention of E.Coli diarrhoea."
Hmmm . . . Food for thought . . . .
So, given the double blind RCT structure of the trial - the 'gold standard' of science, does this research indicate that homeopathy works, double blind RCTs don't work - or that ickle piggies tell great big porkies?
You decide!
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